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Molly van der Weij

Molly van der Weij

With a Masters in Fine Arts & Communication Design Molly is a long-time specialist in visual communication and design-research. Her artistic approach and perspective is a powerful tool for the communication and translation of scientific facts, abstract ideas or complex information.

Her specific expertise of making information visible is extensively used in the field of Futures Studies as a tool to make knowledge more easily accessible to wider or more divers audiences. Her distinct artistic and digital skills combined with athorough understanding of futures methodologies and a sharp sense for discerning key information has added much value to Futures projects.

Molly works as independent consultant since moving to the UK in 2006. Prior to this she was team leader of Futures Studies at the Telemedicine Department of the University Hospital of North Norway in Tromsø (2000-2006) and Chair of the international conference on the future of eHealth and telemedicine (TTeC).

In addition to artistic thinking and the use of visual methods in Futures work Molly is a fully qualified Counsellor (DipHIC, UKCP Reg) working with clients in her private practice as well as for organisations. Having an understanding of individual andsocial psychologies underlying change processes and living with uncertainties provides a valuable layer of insight to any information she presents.

Molly van der Weij


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GB 811 6226 61

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Registered in England and Wales

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Contact Information.

For general enquiries please email:

VAT registration:

GB 811 6226 61

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Registered in England and Wales

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